
PT English

PT English


Want more passion and joy in your life?

Looking for a new spark or the next adventure?

Take the Passion Test!


The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose

The Passion Test is a system developed by Janet Bray and
Chris Attwood, co-authors of the New York times bestseller,
The Passion Test is the effortless path to discovering your life.

This process gives you the tools to discover and align with your
Top 5 Passions to put yourself on your own personal path to
fulfilling your ultimate purpose or destiny.

It's about learning how to identify, actualize and even
monetize the things you would live to have most in your life,
those things that would lead you to living your ideal life
in all aspects all the time- those things that bring you
love, joy, excitement and set you on fire !

The Passion Test is simple to take, fun to do and profoundly effective.
It is a repeatable system you can use for the rest of your life to
effortlessly follow your unique passions.

Your top five passions - the things that are most important to you in your life.

How to align your life with passions to experience more joy and fulfillment.

The one secret that will guarantee you how to live a passionate life.

the formula for creating whatever you choose to have in your life.

Using the Passion Test you'll engage in a simple but powerful process to identify your top five passions-what's really most important to you at this stage of life.
Passion can change over time, and gaining greater clarity frees up new energy and opens new worlds.In three hours, you'll know more about your current or new passions and you'll begin to visualize them unfolding in ways you may never have expected.


Shinoka is intuition consultant and marketing coach, hearer,certified Passion Test facilitator.

The Passion Test has become the spark for a new project or a whole new outlook on the endless possibilities life can afford.

Take the Passion Test !

Customer's Voice

  • I enjoyed narrowing down goals that were most important
    to me.The biggest lesson was really a confirmation about
    how manifestation works. The Passion Test helps clarify
    what you know in your heart. (Sarah)





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